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Explore the team's research & contributions to science, as well as our technology's ongoing impact on the healthcare community
Supporting data driven translational patient-centered care using network analysis to visualize symptom distress in children with serious illness
Shannon Ford, Jacqueline Vaughn, Arvind Subramaniam, Abhinav Gundala, Elizabeth Hensley, Nirmish Shah
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing.
29: e12422. 2024 January 23.
Pain Intensity Assessment in Sickle Cell Disease Patients Using Vital Signs During Hospital Visits
Swati Padhee, Amanuel Alambo, Tanvi Banerjee, Arvind Subramaniam, Daniel M. Abrams, Gary K. Nave, Jr., Nirmish Shah
Pattern Recognition : ICPR International Workshops and Challenges. Virtual event. 2021 January 5-10.
Lessons Learned from Nanbar Health: Developing a Multi-System Software Suite for Predictive Algorithms and Remote Monitoring for People Living with Sickle Cell Disease
Arvind Mallikarjunan, Elizabeth Hensley, Abhinav Gundala, Jhana Parikh, Olivia Fernandez, Kumar Utkarsh, Caroline Vuong, Shannon Ford, Nirmish Shah
Blood 2023. 142 (Supplement 1): 5308.
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